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  • Titel
    Yan Xing [NAS] : performance of a massacre
  • Auteur
  • Jaar van uitgave
  • Pagina's
    42 min.
  • Materiaal

performance Yan Xing: Performance of a Massacre 29 jan 2016 The artist had originally announced his plan to stage The Performance of Massacre at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam on January 29th, 2016. However, the event was cancelled without explanation on the day it was scheduled to take place, causing great consternation at the museum. Instead, a panel of seven participants came together to engage in intense discussion and debate. Through alternating expressions of understanding and regret, they gradually revealed details concerning the nature of the failed performance and caused another performance to emerge slowly. The truth of what had actually happened never did come out in the various narratives, just as God is not supposed to appear in nature. Performance contributed by the following participants: Dr. Sophie Berrebi (Associate Professor of the History and Theory of Contemporary Art at University of Amsterdam); Huib Cluistra (Actor); Bart van der Heide (Chief Curator, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam); Meinke Horn (Artist, curator and freelance museum teacher at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam); Renée Akitelek Mboya (Curator and filmmaker); Robert-Jan Muller (Art critic, chairman of AICA Netherlands [Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art]); Henri Sandront (Producer of Public Programs, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam). Meer over de kunstenaar Yan Xing (Chongqing, 1986) woont en werkt in Beijing en Los Angeles. In zijn werk maakt hij gebruik van verschillende media, zoals performance, video, fotografie en installatie. Zijn werk draait rond grote thema's zoals negativiteit, verzet en orde, maar ook om het onderzoeken van de complexe relaties daartussen. In 2012 won Yan Xing de Best Young Artist Award van CCAA (Chinese Contemporary Art Award) en werd hij genomineerd voor de Future Generation Art Prize van de Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Yan Xing nam deel aan vele tentoonstellingen en voerde ook regelmatig performances op. Recente grote tentoonstellingen waaraan hij meedeed waren onder meer 3rd Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art in Jekaterinenburg in Rusland (2015), 28 Chinese in de Rubell Family Collection in Miami (2013), en ONOFF: China's Young Artists in Concept and Practice in het Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing (2013). Credits Het initiatief tot Performance of a Massacre (2016) werd genomen door Hendrik Folkerts, voormalig curator van het Stedelijk Museum, nu bij Documenta 14 in Kassel. Onderzoek: Britte Sloothaak (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam). Producent: Henri Sandront (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam).
