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  • العنوان
    Artist portrait [NAS] : Wayne Horse / Willehad Eilers
  • مؤلف
  • سنة النشر
  • التوريق
    6 min., 20 sec.
  • مادة

Willehad Eilers / Wayne Horse(1981, Peine, Germany) also works under the pseudonym Wayne Horse. Beginning his career in the German graffiti scene, Eilers later went on to graduate from the RijksAkademie in Amsterdam. He continues to live and work in the Dutch capital today. His eclectic body of work comprises video, drawing, performance and installation, and is distinctive for its lyrical quality, playful humour and expressiveness. A recurring narrative in his oeuvre revolves around the bizarre, occasionally ugly but always compelling aspects of humanity. He has, among other places exhibited at the Kunsthal Rotterdam, Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin and the preview of the Biennale in venice. With special thanks to Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

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