- TitelFrom beyond the pale : art and artists at the edge of consensus
- Udgivelsesår1994
- Paginering112 p.
- Illustrationerfoto's, ill.
- Mål26 cm
- Materialeboek
- ISBN1-873654-21-9
- NoterMet artists work programme.
- Søgeord
- PersonsøgeordA.A.R.T., Marina Abramovic, John Ahearn, Ida Applebroog, Marie Barrett, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Miriam Cahn, George Condo, Dorothy Cross, Willie Doherty, Marcel Duchamp, Jimmie Durham, Ruth Eisenhart, Colin Finley, Táipéis Gael, Antony Gormley, Keith Haring, Fran Hegarty, Damien Hirst, Lee Jaffe, Joan Jonas, Jeff Koons, Les Levine, Alice Maher, Yasumasa Morimura, Ailbhe Murphy, Philip Napier, Maurice O'Connell, Paul O'Neill, Mimmo Paladino, Vong Phaophanit, Pablo Picasso, Kathy Prendergast, Elaine Reichek, Judy Rifka, Almha Roche, David Salle, Julian Schnabel, Beverly Semmes, Kiki Smith, Maud Sulter, Unspoken Truths, Andy Warhol, David Wojnarowicz,
Eksemplarnummer | Hyldeplacering | Lånekategori | Filial | Lånestatus |
1994/2408 | 30 A 1 | boek | centrale |