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  • Título
    Mark Manders : Newspaper with Fives
  • Autor
  • Año de publicación
  • Paginación
    [20] p.
  • Ilustraciones
  • Dimensiones
    47 x 31,5 cm
  • Material
  • Notas
    The concept of this free local paper is based on the fascination with the fact that objects outside your body - a row of five calculators, for example - can make your brain think 'five'. The newspaper is filled entirely with fives and was distributed in de German town of Hann Münden as a supplement to a regional daily. The paper reveals a surprising image of the small, pictoresque town. The greater part of the photographs show fives found in Hann Münden, but others were staged, such as the graffiti and the traffic signs arranged in groups of five at night. Edition 100,000.4 exemplaren, niet genummerd en/of gesigneerd.Ook S.M.A.K. (Stedelijk Museum voor Aktuele Kunst) te Gent wordt in het colofon genoemd.
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