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  • Titre
    Sunday Seminar [Geluidsopname][NAS] : Kaja Silverman : the museum with walls ; conversation with Walid Raad
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    110 min.
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Kaja Silverman: The Museum with Walls Sunday Seminar Theory — 6 Oct 2019 Kaja Silverman is one of the most innovative thinkers in the field of photography. On the occasion of the exhibition Walid Raad, Let’s be honest, the weather helped at the Stedelijk Museum, Kaja Silverman will share her recent project on photography and continue her conversation with Walid Raad. Kaja Silverman is currently working on the three-part The History of Photography, in which she rewrites and revises the history and theory of photography. The first part, Miracle of Analogy, or The History of Photography, Part I, appeared in 2015, and at the moment she is writing the third and final volume, The Promise of Social Happiness. This presentation is based on the content of the second volume: The Three-Personed Picture, or The History of Photography, Part II, which will be published later this year. Silverman describes the period between 1839—following the development of chemical photographic processing—and 1910, during which a different kind of image emerges, one that is pictorial or visual in nature. Like all photographs, the work has two sides, but in a new way. Because this photography is specifically intended to be hung on the wall of a museum or gallery, instead of mounted in an album, a locket, or set on a mantlepiece, its two sides face each other, connecting them, like in the painting Las Meninas (1656) by Diego Velázquez. The work and interests of Kaja Silverman and Walid Raad are closely interlinked. For years they have been engaged in close conversation about their work, and they challenge each other to look and think differently. Recently these conversations revolved around Las Meninas, which also plays a role in Walid Raad’s work. During the program, they will continue this conversation.

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