[nb-NO]Title[nb-NO] In zicht : overwegingen by de collectie van De Nederlandsche Bank = In sight : thoughts on the collection of De Nederlandsche Bank [nb-NO]Author[nb-NO] [nb-NO]Year of publication[nb-NO] 2014 [nb-NO]Pagination[nb-NO] 347 p. [nb-NO]Illustrations[nb-NO] ill. [nb-NO]Dimensions[nb-NO] 27 cm [nb-NO]Material[nb-NO] boek [nb-NO]ISBN[nb-NO] 978-90-804784-7-3 [nb-NO]Notes[nb-NO] Tekst in het Nederlands en Engels.
[nb-NO]Copy number[nb-NO] | [nb-NO]Shelfmark[nb-NO] | [nb-NO]Loan category[nb-NO] | [nb-NO]Site[nb-NO] | [nb-NO]Loan status[nb-NO] |
2015/0581 | 177 A 62 | boek | centrale | | 2017GI/0217 | 216 D 37 | boek | centrale | |